Vascular diseases have different symptoms and it is not always possible for a person without medical education to understand them. Every chronic disease has its clinical appearance and requires certain treatment. There is a classification according to the nature of the disease, so there are pathologies that appear in mild and severe form.

What are reticular varicose veins? What diseases does it refer to? What if you were diagnosed with this? Is he dangerous? How and how to treat veins with reticular varicose veins of the lower extremities? In our article you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions. We will help you understand not only in terms of cardiovascular disease, but also tell you about the causes of the disease, its symptoms and the main methods of treatment.
Veins with reticular varicose veins of the lower extremities: what is it?
The appearance of dilation of thin veins located subcutaneously, the diameter of which is several millimeters, is called reticular veins or reticular varicose veins. In other words, this type of pathology will appear as an increase in the venous pattern. Often, the smaller vessels of the papillary upper layer of the dermis are simultaneously affected and telangiectasias form - vascular "nets" or "stars". The patient develops linear, stellar, reticular, or branched "patterns" of interlocking veins and filamentous saphenous veins. They are bluish, green, ruby or lilac.

Most often, veins with reticular varicose veins are localized in the lower extremities, affecting the veins of the lateral surface of the thigh and upper legs. Varicose veins in both lower extremities in the initial stage of varicose veins are extremely common. It is worth noting that the area of localization of the changed vessels is not only the area of the legs and feet as a whole, but can be the face, abdomen and other parts of the body. The owners of a pronounced venous pattern on the skin of the feet are usually women, sometimes it forms in men.
How serious is this diagnosis? Due to the fact that the thin intradermal veins are affected, the nature of the disease is classified as mild, the rate of occurrence of venous insufficiency is initial. It is generally accepted that the only concern will be the non-aesthetic appearance of the patient, who has been diagnosed with reticular veins of the lower extremities. But not all experts adhere to this view.
Expert opinion
Although reticular varicose veins mostly have a mild course, it is mainly a superficial venous disease, which is considered as one of the first manifestations of venous insufficiency. If you do not pay attention to varicose veins for a long time, it is possible for the complex of symptoms to increase and the situation to worsen, until the formation of varicose veins and trophic ulcers at the site of the vascular "mesh".

Varicose veins of the legs: causes
In the vast majority of cases, vascular diseases develop as a result of a combination of factors that promote the pathological process, therefore they are considered multifactorial. But still, when studying the pathogenesis of vascular diseases, the main reason for the appearance of reticular veins is an inherited predisposition. In individuals with unfavorable combinations of hereditary factors, a certain structure of the venous wall has already been defined, which predisposes to the appearance of varicose veins. Along with this reason, congenital weakness of the vascular walls is observed, which occurs as a result of intrauterine exposure to pathogenic factors of the fetus.
In addition to the above, predetermined structural features of venous canals, the development of varicose veins is facilitated by:
presence of bad habits - smoking and alcohol;
unbalanced diet, passion for diets (including vegetarian ones);
hormonal imbalance and hormonal therapy;
pregnancy, abortion, childbirth, menopause;
inactive lifestyle;
severe liver damage;
allergic reactions;
professional activity related to static walking loads ("sitting" / "standing" work);
wearing uncomfortable clothes and shoes (squeezing the elements, shaping the underwear, tightening the shoes, etc. ).

Unfortunately, the preconditions leading to the development of veins with reticular varicose veins are not limited to this list. Beauty salon clients who do shugaring, dry peeling and visit a solarium are also at risk; and those who visit the gym doing leg strength training, as well as those who choose sports with high shock load (search, abduction, etc. ).
Signs and symptoms of veins with reticular varicose veins
What is the clinical picture of veins with reticular varicose veins? One of the first and often only signs in the initial stage of varicose veins is a clearly visible subcutaneous venous pattern of a reddish-cyanotic color. A network of many thinner vessels appears mainly on the inner and posterior surfaces of the thighs and ankles. In extremely rare cases, when pressed on it, pain may appear.
Reticular varicose veins are characterized by edema, tension, aggravation, itching, intradermal hemorrhage, spontaneous fever in the leg, and involuntary spasm of the calf muscles.
Ignoring the primary symptoms of the disease leads to its progression and complications. Remember that with absolutely healthy vessels, they will never be visible. Therefore, even if the network of the best venous fibers does not cause you any discomfort, it is very likely that it is only temporary. Any disease is always easier to eliminate and probably even without consequences if treated in a timely manner.

Varicose veins of the legs: treatment
In this part of our article, we will talk in detail about how to cure varicose veins. We will answer the most important questions - what should be the sequence of actions if you find signs of varicose veins in you, which doctor treats it and many others.
The first step on the path to recovery, in case of detection of one or more symptoms that give reticular varicose veins, should be a visit to the doctor. In this case, you can contact a therapist who will refer you to a vascular surgeon, angiologist or phlebologist, or refer directly to these doctors who have a narrow specialization in venous pathologies. Each of them will first interview the patient and examine the legs, feet and thighs. A preliminary diagnosis will then be announced and an examination plan drawn up to establish a definitive clinical diagnosis. The patient examination plan will include the necessary diagnosis - laboratory and instrumental. To get the maximum information about the condition of the deep veins, the severity of the changes in the surface and the consistency of the perforating veins, the patient will be assigned an ultrasound scan. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will re-evaluate the signs of the disease, choose the optimal treatment and give recommendations.
How are reticular veins treated? Their treatment, like the treatment of any vascular disease, is carried out in two ways: conservative and operative. Each of the methods includes a set of methods.
Conservative treatment of varicose veins includes recommendations of specialists regarding lifestyle and nutrition. Unfortunately, despite the obvious benefits of the principles of good nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle, we do not give these concepts the necessary level of importance. All systems and organs of the human body will never function normally in the presence of bad habits and lack of moderate physical exercise, good rest, proper daily diet and nutrition.
Proper nutrition helps to improve health and prevent all diseases.
For a patient with varicose veins:
it is not advisable to eat smoked, spicy, fried foods, as well as it is necessary to reduce the consumption of salt and sweets;
it is not advisable to take substantial breaks between meals and hunger;
a large amount of berries, fruits, vegetables and herbs should be consistently stored in the diet;
Eating whole wheat, rye, oats and barley for breakfast can be helpful.
it is better to give preference to fresh juices than carbonated drinks.

It is difficult to reconstruct your usual behavior according to the basics of a healthy lifestyle and start eating from the beginning. By making efforts and following the doctor’s recommendations, the patient will make a significant contribution to improving his or her quality of life.
Reticular varicose veins offer treatment with home water procedures. Shower with contrast for the feet stimulates blood circulation, optimizes the function of the venous valve apparatus and increases the tone of the venous wall.
Expert opinion
Eliminate the symptoms that provoke veins with reticular varicose veins, treatment with medication is required. The effect on the veins is carried out in a complex way: from the inside - with tablets and capsules, as well as from the outside - applying an ointment, gel or cream. Medications are also used to prevent disease progression and eliminate the risk of complications.
For these purposes, doctors prescribe preparations of the venotonic group, based on synthetic and natural ingredients of plants. These funds have a wide range of therapeutic action and have a systemic effect:
helps improve blood circulation;
eliminate pain syndrome and feeling of heaviness in the legs;
have a positive effect on strengthening the vascular wall and capillaries;
prevent the development of swelling;
stop the inflammatory process;
help to get rid of hematomas, etc.
The dose of drugs and methods of their use are determined by the attending physician, taking into account the signs of varicose veins and the dynamics of its development.
Particular attention should be paid to such a factor in the development of vascular pathologies as pregnancy and, in particular, how to accurately treat veins with reticular varicose veins during this period. When carrying a fetus, all treatment methods should be as safe as possible.
To reduce veins with reticular varicose veins, including during pregnancy, experts recommend compression underwear.
These can be up to the knees, socks or elastic bandages. The compression grade directly affects the type of linen - it can be both prophylactic (0-1 degrees) and therapeutic (2-3 degrees).
In cases where reticular varicose veins need to be eliminated immediately or the disease progresses rapidly, mini-phlebectomy, laser treatment (photocoagulation), telangiectasia microsclerotherapy, and sclerotherapy of reticular veins are used. Which method is most suitable for the treatment of veins with reticular varicose veins is determined by the doctor individually for each patient.

Varicose reticular veins: gymnastics
To normalize the processes of lymphatic flow, venous blood flow, peripheral blood circulation and to increase the tone of the veins, specialists recommend the systematic implementation of therapeutic exercises.
The set of exercises is not difficult and varied. For each patient, a specialist in the exercise therapy room will design a program of 3-5 movements, which will need to be performed at least twice a day, 10-15 times for each approach. The exercises will be appropriate for the patient's physical abilities, age and other characteristics.
The most popular exercises are considered to be "birch", "bicycle", "scissors", rotation from heel to toe, walking in place and others.
The specialist will show you how to perform this or that movement correctly and will show you what to avoid when choosing exercises yourself.
Reticular varicose veins: treatment with folk remedies
Some patients who have veins with reticular varicose veins of the lower extremities are interested in the question, is it possible to treat them with folk remedies? The use of alternative medicine methods as part of complex therapy is not excluded.
With the help of popular recipes for indoor and outdoor use, symptoms can be alleviated. Based on the results of many years of experience, it is considered to be extremely effective products based on garlic, birch buds, horse chestnut fruits, verbena, nutmeg, mushrooms and natural apple cider vinegar.
As a rule, the most popular recipes have no specific contraindications, but it is always worth remembering that self-medication can cause irreparable harm. Therefore, the use in the treatment of varicose veins of any prescription for alternative medicine, even the most harmless at first glance, should always be agreed with the attending physician.
For an accurate diagnosis, contact a specialist.